Every feature that implemented in TingoDB is created to be highly compatible with MongoDB. However some features are not yet implemented or have some limitations. We are open for suggestions and contributions. Here is what we know:
- Compound indexes and sorting are not supported. API will not fail to accept it but will take only first field.
- Full text indexes from modern MongoDB 2.4 are not supported.
- Default ObjectID will generate integers, but you can switch to standard BSON.ObjectID using configuration.
- Search in arrays is not supported by default. Can be enabled globally or on per query basis.
- GridFS is not supported. However we think about its emulation using files.
- MongoDB admin function are not supported and will never be.
- Update operations will return only after data will be stored. So options like “safe:false” and “w:0″ have not effect.
- Not all function options are supported. Mostly minor or those that have no effect for current implementation.
- More likely not all atomic update operations are supported. Currently we implement $set, $get, $inc, $push.
- Atomic update operations for arrays are mostly not implemented. So far we didn’t find them very useful.
- Anything else? Might be. Let us know if you find something.